Moses lived in Egypt at a time where my principles were still valued and upheld. As he grew up in an Egyptian house hold, he would have been under the influence of the forty-two principles, which could have influence the writing or wording of the ten commandments.
What ever the case, the commandments bear a surprising similarity to the principles that my husband put into writing so many years ago.
My influence is not only apparent in the past, but it reaches to the present. One example of this is the online magazine, The Spirit of Ma'at. This magazine has articles surrounding ways in which to live a better, more balanced life through spirituality, truth, and new sciences. This magazine was founded in the hope that it would provide a way for people to see the truth in the world around them and be better off because of it. In other words, it was founded in my name.
I have also influenced a number of artists in the modern day and age, who have created their own depictions of me. There are many paintings, animations, and sculptures that have been created by lesser known artists. Therefore, though I am not as well remembered today as I was many years ago, I still inspire humanity in a small way. One example is a dance company called MAAT Dance, which is pushing a contemporary art movement in Cairo and Egypt as a whole. They are dedicated to expanding cultrue and the arts throughout Egypt and introducing to other societies as well, which some might consider an act worthy of the afterlife.
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